Donte Johnson Donte Johnson

8 Black-Owned Businesses Every Hotel Needs to Support

One of the first things we did as a part of our community impact strategy at Revival was run a list of everyone the hotel cut a check to in 2018. We wanted to see where there were opportunities to incorporate local, BIPOC-owned companies. Baltimore has one of the strongest entrepreneurship scenes in the nation. So, we had a great starting point. In the wake of the tragic killing of George Floyd in 2020, hospitality companies responded to global outcry and uprisings around justice by making broad commitments to supporting the Black community differently moving forward. IHG’s website features a report detailing DEI initiatives ranging from town halls to training initiatives to community partnerships. The family behind Marriott gifted $20 million to Howard University to create a hospitality leadership center that will be named after their late CEO, Arne Sorenson.  I love that this and many other initiatives across major players in the industry are accompanied by intentions and strategies to address the underrepresentation of BIPOC and women in leadership roles in an industry that is incredibly diverse at the entry level. 

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